Airport [2/10/07]
Билл на любительскую камеру))
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Поделиться56131-03-2008 16:39:35
Поделиться56202-04-2008 04:02:10
давно было)))))))))
Поделиться56314-04-2008 00:10:34
волосики так классно развиваются
Поделиться56614-04-2008 00:36:31
велюр велюр
Поделиться56714-04-2008 12:10:32
омгвелюр велюр
Билл уезжает из Португалии в Берлин на лечение
Поделиться56815-04-2008 11:30:09
Strasbourg, March 6, 2008
Bill preparing his weapon of choice.
I don't taste the Sonic haircut much, but he was - once more - cute and nice.
There weren't even a lot of people. About... 30 fans, in the end?
I was "second row" of that, which suited me, as I only wanted to take pictures and observe. Veni, vidi, vici.
The tourbus stopped in front of the hotel early-to-mid-afternoon, and the band went out. Bill came right away on our side, and while he was signing, I followed him from behind the girls. ... what? I like to look at him.
Unfortunately he didn't have his hair-under-cap as I love so much, but still, he was cute. Smiling, talkative, even.
In fact he arrived to our side and said "Bonjour", only to be answered various things in German, because apart from 4-5 of us, everyone on that side was German. So he got a "Oh - [comment half for himself]" of realizing that.
And then he had a double take, because while he was signing, Tom and Georg (Gustav wasn't there), instead of following him, had passed behind him to start signing at the opposite end of the fan line...
I really regret I had opted for photos and not video. Because the scene of him looking up, realizing he was alone, and going "Eeeeeh!" before hasting to join them, half laughing half lost, was priceless
Поделиться56915-04-2008 12:06:14
не знаю, что со мной случилось, но я стала быстро забывать, выкладывалась ли инфа или нет!
не помню, была тут такая фотка иль не т оО
Bill at the hotel door
Поделиться57015-04-2008 13:28:19
билл в берлине!первая фотка после операции!